Because we love wildlife
Frequently Asked Questions
Got a question regarding the Foliagenator? Check out our frequently asked questions and answers below or get in touch.
How big is the foliagenator
Foliagenator is a big unit. Each model varies slightly but we recommend allowing at least 2.1M for the hight, 2.1M for the depth and another 2.1M across. This provides enough space to fully open the unit as well as breathing space around all sides.
How much foliage can be stored in the foliagenator?
The amount of foliage you can store in the Foliagenator is best estimated based on what you might normally store in a 9L or 27L bucket. The Foliagenator comes with either 11 x 27L buckets or 15 x 9L buckets inside the unit itself. This fills the unit (excluding space above the buckets for tall foliage). Therefore, what you normally would be able to store in 15 x 9L buckets or 11 x 27L buckets is the capacity of the Foliagenator.
What's a good location to place the foliagenator?
The Foliagenator is best positioned in the shade to reduce heat inside the unit for improved longevity of the foliage being stored. The unit is powered with a solar panel that can be positioned up to 20m away from the unit. This will need to be positioned in full sun.
Given Nator manufacturing delivers and installs all units, the ideal location at your facility can also be recommended during installation.
Can I order replacement parts?
Yes, you can. Just get in touch with us via our online form.
How do I go about funding for a unit?
There are various grants and funding programs available from different wildlife organisations at various times throughout the year. We recommend investigating with your local organisations as to any options available to you.
Many of our carers have also had success in leveraging platforms like Facebook and Go Fund Me to raise funds for specific wildlife care needs.
What to do if I have any problems with my Foliagenator?
Give us a call or email us should you have any questions or problems when using your machine.
We also highly recommend that you download the user manual. This includes the correct way to use and clean your machine in order to avoid voiding your warranty.
How do I clean the foliagenator?
We have included all cleaning instructions in the user manual.
It is important to follow all instructions precisely. Failure to do so could result in damage to expensive electronic components and may result in the warranty being void.
Can the Foliagenator be customised to my needs?
There are multiple customisations that can be made to the Foliagenator. You can even build your own online here to see pricing and then enquire with us.
Standard customisation include;
Modular Expansion Tank:
The modular expansion tank doubles the capacity of foliage storage from a single Foliagenator – from 11x27L Buckets to 22×27 litre buckets. The expansion pack plugs into the main unit. It can not be used alone.
Storage buckets:
You can choose between two bucket sizes that come inside the unit depending on the foliage you store or your personal preferences. s
You can choose between 11 x 27 litre buckets or 15 x 9L.
Programming of irrigation:
This is dependent on the humidity of the area the unit is being stored. We program all units to suit their conditions.
Ultimate Solar UV sterilisation
Includes the addition of a UV sterilisation system for the water. Every Foliagenator filters and cleans the water but this one also controls bacteria and viruses for an even longer preservation period of foliage. Great to combine with an additional modular storage tank for even more storage.
Freshwater unit
The freshwater tank addition means that the Foliagenator will not recirculate the water. Instead, it draws water from the freshwater tank with the pump. This freshwater is then sprayed on the foliage at certain intervals, then out the drain hose. You can move the drain hose to a tree or vegetable patch. Then when it’s time to clean another area.
Other customisations?
The tall model came about following contact made by koala wildlife carers who required taller storage space for the specific foliage they needed to store. If you are a wildlife organisation that requires something specific, we haven’t thought of, please get in touch.
How does the Foliagenator work?
The Foliagenator makes a lot of promises. This is a feature-packed unit. For those who want to understand how the Foliagenator delivers on its claims, we recommend downloading the user manual which discusses this in detail.
How sterile is the water that’s being recycled in the Foliagenator?
There is a constant combat between pathogens and the environment the foliage is being stored in. Like a steak in a fridge, the Foliagenator extends the life of the foliage but does not eliminate all pathogens completely.
For instance, there are contaminates on leaves that are stored in the Foliagenator. The water does remove contaminates and the water is then filtered. However, if there is bacteria on the foliage, it may not be possible for the Foliagenator to remove this completely.
If you have any concerns about sensitive wildlife in care, chose the Fresh Water tank which periodically dumps water and brings in fresh water rather than continuing to circulate filtered water.
Does your fresh water version need plumbing
No. The freshwater unit comes with tank and options to provide flexibility on location while still being able to incorporate fresh water.